Albuquerque was the perfect location to view the annular eclipse on May 20, 2012.

Albuquerque was the perfect location to view the annular eclipse on May 20, 2012.
This chandelier made of silverware hangs in the entry to Cosmo’s Tapas in the Nob Hill area. The owners made it themselves. It’s a great restaurant with wonderful food and a friendly staff, and the local artworks give it a welcoming vibe.
The Wallow Fire in eastern Arizona has been burning for almost a week. Each afternoon it blankets ABQ in smoke. Often the sun is completely obscured, but today it powered through the haze with an eerie red glow.
The Fractal Foundation created this huge fractal mural which hangs on a parking garage downtown. The Fractal Foundation does a lot of cool art in Abq, especially with kids. They are unveiling 3 new student-created murals at the end of January. Check their web site at for details.
Not strictly in ABQ, but close by. Found this on Highway 4, near San Ysidro.
This phone pole is in a neighborhood near downtown Abq. I saw a blurb about it in the paper a few years ago, and drove by recently to see if it was still there. As you can see, it is. I’m not sure what it means, but it’s awesome.
Welcome back IE users. There was a bug in the photoblog software, introduced in the last upgrade I did a few months ago. It caused the images to be blank for IE users. I didn’t notice it myself because … well … what’s IE? 🙂 Anyway, fixed now.
We went to the Fiery Foods] show this weekend. Lots of cool stuff. Most interesting find was some Mexican “sipping chocolate”. Think intensely rich hot cocoa with a jalapeno kick. These folks from Defcon Sauces had the only booth with a cyberpunk theme.
A new year, a new camera, a new abq-strange post. This sculpture’s real name is “Cruising San Mateo I” but everybody in Albuquerque knows it as the Chevy On A Stick. It was quite controversial when it was installed in the early 1990s. Art has always been in the eye of the beholder and all the old arguments against funding public art came out on this one (and still surface every now and then). But now that the tiled ’54 Chevy has been there for almost 20 years, most people are quite used to it, and will at least concede that it makes the area unique. For me, I love it!
This huge red arrow has marked the Indian Plaza shopping center for decades. The center was completely rebuilt a few years ago, but they kept the arrow since it had become almost a landmark. The mayor has been pushing to pass a sign ordinance in Abq to forbid commercial signs that are more than about 6 feet tall. Existing sign owners would have a few years to tear down their big old signs and replace them. As far as I know, they’re still arguing over the issue, but they did make it clear that the big red arrow at Indian School and Carlisle would get an exemption and be preserved.