This blooming Lily reminds me of the creature in the movie Alien.

This blooming Lily reminds me of the creature in the movie Alien.
The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta (that’s not the official name any more, but the sponsor didn’t pay me to say their name) always has some interesting “special shapes” balloons. This is one of my all-time favorites.
This guy has been a fixture in the neighborhood for years. Some vandals set him on fire a few years ago, but the owners either restored him or re-carved him. He may be goofy, but if I ever need a chainsaw I know exactly where to go. I wonder if he’s responsible for Electrons vs Leaves?
What can I say about this one? New Mexico sunsets are stunning.
They recently remodeled the Erna Fergusson Library. They did a nice job, and I was pleased that they included some public art in the renovation. Apparently there were some letters left over after restocking the shelves. Or maybe they’re trying to break in?
Our friend Michele Ann planted these cool flowers at our office called [Datura]( It’s a flower that blooms at night (it’s also called “Moonflower”). The flowers are usually in full bloom by 10pm or so, and they last until mid-morning. They also smell nice.
There was a bowling alley on this corner for about 20 years. It closed a few years ago and a developer built a strip mall in its place. Someone, somehow, convinced them to keep the original bowling alley sign. It must look strange to someone from out of town, but for those of us who walked/rode/drove by that sign once or twice a day for decades, it’s a nice bit of nostalgia.
I’m sure these trees looked just fine when they were small, planted beneath the overhead power lines. As they got larger, something had to give. I guess this is better than chopping them down.
It’s hard to appreciate the true size of this pot since there is no reference nearby. It is about 8 feet tall. It is not accessible, as it is in the median of a busy interstate freeway. There are 3 pots installed in a 1/2-mile stretch.